About Us

Mayar Gulf Engineering Consultant Office is a Saudi brand that is formed from the inspiration of Saudi society especially & the Gulf in general to be unique in its character and design solutions, which is reflected in the quality of life of the individual with all his needs from its great perspective and even the smallest details of his desires from its narrow perspective. Accordingly, we have established our own line to reflect simplicity, modernity and workmanship as a main feature by our team at Mayar Gulf Engineering Consultant Office, and under the vision and leadership of a group of Saudi and foreign engineers with good practical experience that carries with it a lot of experiences and ideas that have been collected for you to change the current architectural style within the Saudi city’s and in line with the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and according to the Saudi Building Code & With the requirements of The Ministry of Municipality and Rural Affairs, Ministry of Housing and its municipalities. In light of the economic conditions and with the rise in real estate prices and the increase in the cost of living, it has become required to find engineering solutions based on correct theories to reach an engineering product that serves and meets the needs of the individual and society efficiently in harmony with the surrounding environment and achieving its aspirations

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We take the time to listen, collaborating in a co-integrative process with clients, contractors and all partners

Our work is as diverse as it is interesting

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